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10 Major Steps to Increase Your Record Label's Profits #1.png

10 Major Steps to Increase Your Record Label's Profits

10 steps to more cash, more organization, and less headache.

Are You...

  • Drowning in Details?

  • Struggling to increase revenue?

  • On the verge of giving up on music?

You're not alone. Most new record label owners struggle to start correctly or even grow and scale! In fact, nearly 90% of all new record labels fail in the first year and 80% in the second.

How can you be sure that all of the hard work you’re doing is going to pay off?

You need a proven plan from someone who has successfully built solid foundations for small record labels like you to build and grow from!

In this free PDF, you'll Learn...


How to build a solid foundation so your label doesn't crumble in 12 months!

How to build a solid foundation so your label doesn't crumble in 12 months!

Most small record labels can barely support themselves. You’ll learn how to build a solid foundation that will stand up to the pressure and won't crack in 12 months.


The exact 10 steps you need to take to implement a cash-flowing label system 

Most gurus are too unknowledgeable to follow. Our 10-step plan is simple, straightforward, and can be implemented in 3 months.


Where you will receive the cash pumping through your cash flowing record label

Once your record label is ready to receive cash, you can spend more time doing things you love while enjoying predictable, increasing revenue.

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Flyer 2020 Casey.jpg

Created by Casey Graham,
Founder & CEO of Music Money Makeover

Casey Graham helps hundreds of new artists, small record label owners, and music publishers all over the world grow their businesses through his online course and framework, The 60 Day Record Label™.

With thousands of users and viewers users worldwide, Music  Money Makeover helps small music entrepreneurs optimize their careers and businesses for revenue and profit.

All the Lights
I just started the 60 day course a week ago and it has been amazing! It has really opened my eyes and mind to the music biz and I can’t thank you enough. I will definitely be implementing these content tips as well!💪🏼💯

Pure Lyricz Music

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