Are you a musician who's been creating music just for the fun of it? I've got news for you: that approach might be holding you back from real success. In this blog post, I'll dive into why making music solely for enjoyment isn't enough to build a lasting career. Drawing from my personal experience, I'll share how crafting music without a clear purpose, leaves you stuck in a rut. But don't worry - if you're ready to transform your passion into a meaningful legacy, I'll show you how to elevate your artistry and create music with purpose. Get ready to unlock your true potential and make an impact that resonates far beyond the notes you play!
Making music for the Love is fun!
When you do music for the love, its generally fun for you or a stress reliever. It can also be a source of healing. Doing music for the love alone is not a way to create a major impact on the world directly, therefor it is not a decision that will create a music career for you. Doing music for the love of it is not the same as doing music because you believe their should be better “such and such” music in the world. Love and fun must be develop into a bigger purpose in order to elevate you. Doing music for the love of it is the same as saying you do music for sport.
Making music for money is risky!
Doing music for money is the #1 way many fail in this business going down hating themselves and the music they’ve become forced to create. Ask me how I know. Doing music for money binds you to a material source while creating something that comes from an untouchable source. They don’t mix. Money is a by product of creating, promoting, and selling high quality audio dopamine through a medium people want to consume it through. However this often never leaves a lasting impression on the public because the public can feel when something is forced upon them for money.
Making music for Legacy is game changing
Doing music for legacy gives a greater, less self centered, purpose for doing your music because you can’t put your ego in legacy. You’ll always consider others when creating this way. Creating music for a legacy for your family, an interest group, a culture of people, or even humanity gives a level of drive for your creativity that becomes unmatched. Legacy = Purpose! Once you have purpose nothing will take you away from that and it becomes a fight to the point of completion.
You have to become the person that can leave a legacy!
The question you should ask yourself is, who is the type of person I must become to leave the legacy that I saw in my vision? Were you making millions in the vision? You were… well do you know how to manage millions? How do millionaires talk and move where do they shop, bank and eat? Were you headlining tours? You were.. well do you know how to create a fan culture that can get you to that level. How do you care about your fans now? Do you care for the people at all? You don’t get legacy without becoming. This means you’ve got to develop yourself.
What if you fail?
You cannot fail leaving a legacy with music because a purposeful vision came attached with the direct reason or indirect reason you’re doing music. The only way you fail is if you quit. The catch is if you quit you’ll never forgive yourself which hurts more than not making the choice to act upon the vision. That’s how deep purpose runs. Quitting when you don’t make money doesn’t, hurt as bad as quitting because your purpose was not fulfilled.
What If I haven’t found that purpose?
You don’t find purpose, purpose finds you. Remember purpose always comes with a vision attached and vision must not be confused with thoughts. Visions are seen thoughts are consciously processed.
But I need money to survive?
Money will come but only as a testament to your diligence. Pervasive money never amounts to a desirable result.
This is one result delivered to the people on my path to legacy
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Creating with purpose
will take you to heights unseen because you never get a chance to see the full scope of your original vision you only get a glimpse. So it would be in your best interest to push towards it.
Creating music for vanity
Will become a road that is hated as you travel down it with each step. It leads to a life a pain because there was no vision attached to it and yet it ends up being just a lesson because it was only a trial for trivial reasons.
Keep working towards the vision and let the money find its way to you just like the vision. Just make sure you open up the roads for it. Accepting the divine intervention will bring about massive abundance in your life you could not have imagined.